Category: Young Living

DIY Shampoo

DIY Shampoo


This non toxic all natural 4 ingredients shampoo is great!  My hair is so soft and shiny after using it for over 3 months.


4 oz. distilled Water

4 oz. Aloe Vera Gel (I get mine here without Vitamin E) or this one, which is a bit cheaper but, contains Vitamin E.

2 oz.   Dr. Bronner’s Baby Mild Unscented Castille Soap (I get mine here)

5 drops each of Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood essential oils(I get mine here)  if you have flaky dry scalp, add 5 drops Tea Tree oil, for a moisturizing fuller body shampoo add a tablespoon of avocado oil to the aloe gel and shake to mix BEFORE ADDING REMAINING ingredients.  You may need to shake gently before each use if oil separates.

Watch this video for instructions on how to mix.



DIY Hair Serum with essential oils

DIY Hair Serum with essential oils



Here is an instructional video making the hair serum


15 drops Rosemary essential oil(I get mine here)

15 drops Lavender essential oil(I get mine here)

15 drops Cedarwood essential oil(I get mine here)

Combine all the oils in a 15 mil dark colored glass bottle.  Apply 3-5 drops daily massaging into the scalp and across the hair.

***NOTE – I do this at night because the benefits of Lavender and Cedarwood are very relaxing and helpful in promoting a restful nights sleep.

Humming Bird Feeder using recycled Ningxia Red bottles

Humming Bird Feeder using recycled Ningxia Red bottles


I tried using Periscope and for the last half the sound did not work so I had to resort to doing the ending again and editing/joining the two with YouTube so here is the instructional video for those who are interested.

You can make a single bottle feeder by just using one bottle.

you will need:

Empty Glass Bottle

Wire cutters

Needle nose pliers

Bling or as I call it a little sum-umm, sum-umm(optional)

12 Gauge aluminum(copper colored wire)I get mine here. Use a bit more than 5 ft. per bottle

Feeder tubes, I get mine here

Natural Hummingbird Nectar I get mine here. Please don’t use the red type, it has dye in it and I wouldn’t want the hummingbirds ingesting it.  Thank you and the birds thank you, too!


Watch this video by clicking here and it will make more sense.  But, take your 5+ foot of wire and begin at the neck of the bottle and wrap around taking the end and wrapping a few times to hold, continue wrapping the wire up the bottle, go from the neck to the bottom and make sure that the wires cross in a few places.  Bring the wire loose end back up and under some of the points where the wires cross and wrap a couple times through to make it hold a bit better.  Do this in 2-3 crossing areas, finally ending at the top(actually the bottle base, but it is the top when upside down).  Take the loose end and com up and over to make a hanger and find a place on the other side to loop it around the last circle of wire around the bottle.

**NOTE: I like to bling up my feeders so I use recycled broken jewelry, buttons, etc, and as you wrap the wire find opportunity to wrap on a little bling!

Mix your nectar and fill the bottle.

Insert the feeder tube VERY securely or all the nectar will be lost.

If you want to make a trio of feeders make three of these and then take about a foot of wire and run it under and around three of the bottle together.  Make sure the Red Wolfberry side of the bottle is facing out and the ingredient side faces towards the inside.  After securing the 3 bottle together, take the 3 loop hangers at the top and just twist them all together! Voila!  Now go quickly and put them up and watch nature do it’s work.


It’s a super ANTIOXIDANT fruit filled supplemental drink for the whole family!  Energize and fortify while supporting the immune system.  For a detailed ingredient list click here.

Ningxia 1 Ningxia2





If you would like to get your own bottle of Ningxia Red contact me or click here to find out more!


Easy, quick and inexspensive – DIY Thieves Wipes

Easy, quick and inexspensive – DIY Thieves Wipes

Here is a video of my home made Thieves Wipes, to watch it click here.

thieves wipes


Paper towel roll cut n half with a serrated knife

1/2 – 1 C distilled or boiled water

1 TbsThieves Cleaner Concentrate

1 Gallon Zip top bag

A few smaller zip bags to store them in and around the house.


Cut the Paper towel roll in half with the serrated knife, you may need scissors to clean up the rough edges if needed.  Pull out the inner cardboard tube.

Put the half roll into the 1 gallon zip top bag.  Mix the Thieves Concentrate Cleaner in the water and pour into the bag and let set overnite to absorb.  You may need to add 1/4 – 1/2 more water if they seem too dry the next day, all the paper towel brands absorb differently.

Separate a few sheets into smaller bags and keep one under the bathroom sink for counters, mirrors, faucets, shower doors.  Keep a few under the kitchen sink for counters, hands, faucets, or wiping down the refrigerator both inside and out. Throw a small bag in your purse for on the go to use on dirty table tops, toilet seats, door handles or hands.

Of course I get my Thieves products through Young Living and if you would like to find out how to get yours click here!

Essential Oils videos – Gallie Institute

I was watching some YouTube videos at the Gallie Essential Channel, it is really an information highway regarding essential oils.  I suggest you subscribe to it and get their videos it is absolutely free. Lots of good things to see and who watches TV anymore, it’s a bunch of junk in my humble opinion. Click here for the link for the videos.

New to essential oils and want to learn more?  Click here.10981954_10152574022440916_3381085941877456100_n

Soap Nuts

Soap Nuts

I love doing laundry in a natural way so that my family does not have to sleep and breath wrapped in a cocoon of chemicals.  Out clothes, towels, sheets all have toxic chemicals in them if you are using commercial store purchased laundry soap and dryer sheets.  Imagine 24/7 you have a sheet of chemicals next to your body.  And did you know the skin is the largest organ of the body??  Protect it by doing your laundry with a safe chemical free alternative.  Here is one of the ways I do laundry naturally with soap nuts.  Watch this video to see how to use them.

This is a soap nut tree with green soap nuts

soapnuts green

They start to get dry on the tree like this

soapnut tree

When they are dry they look like this

soapnut tree2

When they arrive they are usually in bags like this and this is where I purchased mine, click here for soap nuts.


They last quite a while, I bought a 3 lb bag last summer and have only used about 1/3 of it.  6-8 of the nuts can last for a few washings. Of course I add a few drops of essential oils by Young Living to each linen bag before I throw it into the wash.  If you have questions or want to know more about essential oils click here.



I absolutely love this little gadget.  I can have a sweet, creamy all natural no sugar added cool fruit dessert any time I want.  Nice for these hot summer days in Texas.  It saves all my fruit I have too, no more waste.  My bananas that start to go brown I throw in the freezer and any others like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries that might be starting to get old, just freeze them.  My favorite right now is Banana, mango and pineapple!  You can get them on AMAZON, I got the elite because I knew I would use it a lot, there is a smaller unit, but I know how my family is about sweets, so this is used daily.  It’s easy to clean and the parts are dishwasher safe.  I can even add a bit of my Young Living essential oils to them when I am done to enhance the flavors.  I would only recommend Young Living oils for ingesting as I do not the quality and safety of other brands.  Many of the Young Living oils are labeled and approved for supplemental use.

Click here for a video I did today showing a banana, mango, pineapple mixed with a drop of Lemon essential  oil.  The essential oil gives it a fresh citrus taste!

Frankincense Essential Oil


I just love my Frankincense essential oil from Young Living.  I add a drop to my DIY moisturizer everyday.  I also use another drop around my eyes and on any dark spots I see appearing. If you would like to read more about this oil click here!

If you would like to become a member of Young Living so you can get your own essential oils like I do click here!

You can go to my essential oils tab if you would like my daily moisturizing cream recipe.  It is safe, chemical free and non toxic!

Light the Fire

Young Livings newest blend! Light the fire, to read what’s in it and how it may be used click here
