Inhalers for Essential Oils


I love these inhalers!!  They are easy to carry in my pocket or purse so I can have necessary essential oils I nay need right there handy.  Especially in the winter, when I might experience respiratory issues.  I love to saturate the cotton insert with Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint,  occasionally Dorado Azul or Eucalyptus.  Just a quick sniff when needed and I’m breathing free and easy.  I get them on AMAZOM.  You can buy bags of cotton inserts to refill them as well on AMAZON.  I switch them out depending on my overall health systems or how my emotions are for the day.

Blank Nasal Inhalers or Aromasticks are an effective and invaluable way to experience the therapeutic and energetic power of essential oils. Inhalers are best used for respiratory issues or emotional issues. Inhalers are great for colds, flu, and lung and chest congestion. There is nothing like an inhaler to change your state of mind and uplift the emotional body almost instantaneously.

This is where you can get your own essential oils and with a wholesale membership you can get 24% off!!