Northern Lights Black Spruce

Northern Lights Black Spruce

This oil was introduced at Young Living’s 2015 Convention.  I love this oil for so many reasons.  It smells like the forest and I can just envision the snow on the ground when I inhale it.

DID YOU KNOW it’s grown and distilled right on our very own farm located in Fort Nelson Canada?  I love the fact that I know where my plant product comes from and how it’s distilled. That’s a big deal to me, why?  Because other companies who buy oils from third party distillers don’t know where the plants are grown, whether or not they are harvested at the peak time, nor do they know the distilleries practices.  There are so many synthetic oils out there and a lot of other companies are adulterating their oils or making them stretch farther by adding in cheaper pine oils to make them go farther.

One of the ways I use it is in my diffuser when I have trouble shutting down my brain and getting a good nights rest.  A few drops in my diffuser and I’m soon drifting off to a restful, peaceful nights sleep!

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