Week of March 14, 2016


I feel like I have really given you a well rounded variety of main dish ideas so this week I am going to give you some side ideas.  Often as the weather warms I find myself making a meal out of a lot of side dishes.  Because I garden we are usually fortunate to have a good hefty variety of tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and other fresh veggies.

I find a full salad is often enough on a hot and humid day in South Texas, so refreshing as well.


Almond Chicken Salad

Almond Chicken

4 cups cooked chicken

1 cup seedless grapes(green and halved lengthwise)

1 cup(4 oz) chedder cheese, shredded

2/3 cup toasted, sliced almonds(toast at 350 degrees for 10 minutes in a shallow baking pan)

2/3 cup sweet pickles, thinly sliced

1/4 cup celery, chopped

1/4 cup green olives, sliced

2/3 cup mayonnaise(go here if you’d like to learn to make some)

3/4 tsp seasoned salt

Lettuce leaves(optional)

In a large bowl, combine chicken, grapes, cheese, almonds(completely cooled), pickles, celery and olives.  In a separate bowl, mix mayo and seasoned salt until well blended.   Pour mayonnaise over chicken mixture and toss lightly to coat evenly.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.  Serve on lettuce if desired.  Serves 8

Not Your Leafy Green Salad

1 cup uncooked farro, rinsed and drained(usually found in the pasta section)

4 cups chicken stock


Baby zucchini, sliced in half lengthwise

10 french green beans, sliced in half lengthwise

2 radishes, trimmed and sliced thinly

4 soft boiled eggs, halved

Crushed pistachios and grated lemon zest, for garnish

Pour the farro and stock into a medium pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 30-40 minutes or until most of the liquid has been absorbed and the grains have softened and split.  Drain remaining liquid and allow to cool, about 1 hour.  Fill a small pot and bring to boil.  Generously season with salt and drop in the zucchini and French green beans.  Blanch 2-3 minutes and then transfer to an ice bath to ensure that the vegetables retain texture and color.  Once cooled, drain vegetables and place into a large bowl with the cooled farro and sliced radishes.  Drizzle half the vinaigrette over the mixture and toss together.  Keep the remaining for another use if desired.  Top the salad with egg halves, crushed pistachios and grated lemon zest.  Serves 4

Balsamic Vinaigrette

2 Tbl minced shallots

1 clove garlic, minced

2 tsp coconut palm sugar

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Place all ingredients except for the olive oil into a small mixing bowl and whisk together.  As you whisk, pour in the oil VERY SLOWLY and steady, continue to whisk until the mix is emulsified.  Taste and adjust seasoning to your own taste.

Skinny Tots


I got this recipe from the Skinny Taste website, I love them with my friend Lindsey’s Home Made Ranch dressing.  Once you’ve had the home made ranch you will NEVER get bottled again!


  • olive or coconut oil
  • 1 packed cup grated zucchini
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 medium onion, minced
  • 1/4 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1/3 cup seasoned breadcrumbs (make your own by toasting some bread and then grinding it with a food processor)
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt and black pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 400°F.  Rub a baking sheet with oil.

Grate the zucchini into a clean dish towel until you have 1 packed cup.  Wring all of the excess water out of the zucchini, there will be a lot of water. In a medium bowl,combine all of the ingredients and season with salt and pepper to taste.  Spoon 1 tablespoon of mixture in your hands and roll into small ovals. Place on the cookie sheet and bake for 16 to 18 minutes, turning halfway though cooking until golden. Makes 16.

They have a video showing how to make it here you can watch.

Breakfast for Dinner – Green Chili Casserole

Green Chili Casserole

This is one of my family’s favorites.  We often have it at dinner when I have an abundance of fresh eggs from my free range chickens.


10 large eggs

1 tsp baking powder

1 pint small-curd cottage cheese

1 pound Monterey Jack cheese, shredded

7-8 oz can chopped green chiles(spice it up by getting the hot ones)

OPTIONAL: Hot sauce or salsa

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly grease a 13 x 9  inch baking pan.  Lightly beat eggs in a large mixing bowl.  Add all remaining ingredients and mix well.  Pour the egg mixture into the prepared baking pan and bake 45 – 50 minutes or until lightly browned on top.  Allow to sit 10-15 minutes before serving. Serve with your favorite hot sauce or salsa on top.

Serves 8-10

Anti-Oxidant Salad

This is a great salad filled with tons of good stuff

Spinach – Lutein for eye health

Tomatoes – Lycopene for good heart health

Cucumber – Fisetin is good for brain health

Avocado – Vitamin E is great healthy skin

Red Grapes – Resveritrol helps to fight cancer

Walnuts – Omega 3’s help with inflammation

Feta Cheese – B12 is a great immune booster

Olive Oil – Polyphenols are good at fighting cancer

Vinegar – pro-biotics for good digestion

Pepper – piperine helps you to absorb nutrients

Make a big bowl full of the above fruits, veggies, walnuts and cheese, pour over some olive oil and vinegar and sprinkle a bit of pepper to taste.  YUM!  You’re welcome!



4 cups cooked chicken


8 oz cheddar cheese block or grated

1 lb Monterey Jack block or grated

1 1/2 doz eggs


Cottage Cheese



French Green Beans






Med Onion


Sliced Almonds

Sweet Pickles

Green Olices






Dijon Mustard

Balsamic Vinegar

Olive Oil

Seasoned Bread Crumbs

7-8 oz can chopped green chilies