Wheat Free Bread

Keep scrolling down, I have revised this in a few different ways, all were good, so I felt to post them all.

While some may or may not consider Flax seed a grain, I find that this bread alternative is pretty good!  In order to keep flour out of the diet and still enjoy bread I am going to say this recipe is PALEO friendly.

2 cups almond flour

6 Tbl arrowroot starch

4 Tbl Golden flax seed meal

2 Tbl tapioca starch

3/4 tsp sea salt

3/4 tsp organic baking soda

4 Tbl Ghee, coconut oil or olive oil

4 large free range eggs

1/2 cup milk (use whatever type you are allowed per your body and diet)

1 1/2 tsp Braggs apple cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease a 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan

Whisk together dry ingredients, pour into a sifter and sift into a bowl.  Anything left in the sifter I press through with a pastry  brush.  You will have some flax seed hulls left and I dumped them into the dry ingredients and whisked them again.

Whisk the eggs together and then add the wet ingredients and whisk again.

Add the wet to the dry careful not to mix too much.

Pour the batter into the greased pan and bake 40 – 45 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack and refrigerate any unused bread up to 5 days.

***Variation #1

I followed the above directions except for this:

Coconut oil instead of Ghee

Use only egg whites and whip until frothy.  I used a hand whip. Fold into mixture gently.

My reasoning for the change was this. Egg whites hold more air, yolks make baked goods more dense. The Ghee made a buttery tasting bread, which was fine,  but at times I don’t want my bread to taste buttery.  This was a lighter,  fluffier consistency, lighter in color as well. Both of them were good, play with them and decide for yourself.

2 cups almond flour

6 Tbl arrowroot starch

4 Tbl Golden flax seed meal

2 Tbl tapioca starch

3/4 tsp sea salt

3/4 tsp organic baking soda

4 Tbl coconut oil

4 large free range egg whites

1/2 cup milk (use whatever type you are allowed per your body and diet)

1 1/2 tsp Braggs apple cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease a 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan

Whisk together dry ingredients, pour into a sifter and sift into a bowl.  Anything left in the sifter I press through with a pastry  brush.  You will have some flax seed hulls left and I dumped them into the dry ingredients and whisked them again.

Whisk the eggs together and then add the wet ingredients and whisk again.

Add the wet to the dry careful not to mix too much.

Pour the batter into the greased pan and bake 40 – 45 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack and refrigerate any unused bread up to 5 days.

Here are some pictures of the actual bread. Notice that is has some nice air holes in it.

Variaation #2
Variation #2

**Variation #2

For this one I doubled the ingredients so I could yield a larger loaf.  The smaller loafs were not lasting very long and I was baking one 3-4 times a week.  The others were good, but small for using as a sandwich loaf.

I prefer just using the egg whites over the entire egg, which I feel makes a lighter loaf, whisking them until frothy and adding them in last.  This time I chose to use olive oil as well. In addition I ADDED 1 TABLESPOON OF HONEY to this batch, decreased the temperature to 325 degrees and I baked it for 50 minutes, covering and baking for an additional 15 minutes. I did this because the crust was getting to a nice golden brown I removed it and covered completely with foil to prevent the top from burning, returned it quickly to the oven and baked an additional 15 minutes.  To make sure it’s done, insert a knife, making sure it comes out clean.  Cool completely before slicing.  Refrigerate, covered tightly for up to 5 days, if it lasts that long.  I live in the South where we are hot and humid, in drier climates you may not need to refrigerate.

4 cups almond flour

1 cup arrowroot starch

2/3 cup Golden flax seed meal

1/3 cup tapioca starch

1 1/2 tsp sea salt

1 1/2 tsp organic baking soda

1/3 cup olive oil

1 Tbl honey

8 large free range egg whites

1 cup milk (use whatever type you are allowed per your body and diet)

3 tsp Braggs apple cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 325 degrees, grease a 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan

Whisk together dry ingredients, pour into a sifter and sift into a bowl.  Anything left in the sifter I press through with a pastry  brush.  You will have some flax seed hulls left and I dumped them into the dry ingredients and whisked them again.

Whisk the eggs together and then add the wet ingredients and whisk again.

Add the wet to the dry careful not to mix too much.

Pour the batter into the greased pan and bake 50 minutes.  Remove and cover to prevent top from browning too much if needed and return to oven another 15 minutes.

Cool completely on a wire rack before slicing and refrigerate any unused bread up to 5 days.


Variation #2