Winter Salve Rub

It is September and I am seeing the leaves begin to fall already, in fact they started falling in August this year, earlier than I have ever seen them fall before, and lots of them.  This makes me think we may have an early winter and a long cold one.

This reminds me that I need to stock up on my winter essentials like a winter chest rub, a good winter salve, and my Winter Wellness essential oils to help support my respiratory system. Oils like Eucalyptus, Wintergreen and Peppermint.  The tree oils like Juniper, Balsam Fir and Black Spruce.  For my digestive system DiGize is always a good choice if I need digestive support.  Thieves blend is a good essential oil to diffuse and rub on the bottom of the feet daily as a good immune support.

Here is a good Salve base that you can make and add whatever oils you choose for yourself and whatever body system you need support in most.  It makes about 3.5 ozs

Winter Salve Base

1/4 oz beeswax pellets like these or shave from a block and weigh, having a good kitchen scale is useful for this.  I get a block like this by mail order from


1/4 cup sesame, sweet almond, or jojoba oil (I get my carrier oils from Dr. Adorable on AMAZON)

1 Tbl virgin cold pressed organic coconut oil (Like this one)

30 drops of one of the recommended essential oil synergies (I only use and recommend these)

Melt all but the essential oils into a double boiler or put a pan into another pan of boiling water on medium.  Let everything melt together, cool to the touch and add the essential oils now or when you whip it up*, heating the essential oils destroys the therapeutic properties.  Use the following oil synergy recipes according to your needs.

*As it begins to cool and harden, you can use a hand mixer to whip it up nice and fluffy or place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and then whip(this is a great time to add the oils). Place the balm/salve into tins or a small glass jar and use as needed.

Respiratory Support

for a 5 ml synergy mix 40 drops eucalyptus globulus, 22 drops peppermint and 58 drops rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Respiratory Support accompanied by cough

for a 5 ml synergy mix 40 drops Myrtle, 50 drops Frankincense, and 30 drops Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquinervia)

Respiratory support for those under 2 years of age

for a 5 ml synergy 20 drops pine, 35 drops frankincense, and 20 drops of fir.  Top it off with 75 drops sweet almond or olive oil.